Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Baaaack!

Since I don't think anyone is reading this blog anyway,...and who could blame them, after all I'm always going AWOL...I feel more at ease to write whatever...whatever pops into my head, instead of trying to be somewhat structured.

I had a great call from a granddaugher lastnight...she's been trying to get her computer back on the road. After 5 or 6 trips to the computer store where she bought it, where she also has a, what is evidently an unconditional "Fix-it-or-get-a-new-one" guarantee. (that's not the word I'm looking for, but if I think of it before I post, I'll change it...if I don't, I won't.) Oh...the reason I think this "guarantee" might be unconditional...she spilled hot chocolate on the key board.

It was my great pleasure to be invited to join "Facebook" one of my 13 year old grandsons. I had heard of Facebook, and one of my friends told me she had joined to keep up with her kids. I now have 13 "Friends" on Facebook. What really surprised me, was, after I had been a member for only about a day, I got another invitation from my nephew's wife in Texas, who had just joined...did I say surprised? I meant thrilled.

Every year around my birthday I seem to gain about 10 or so pounds what with all the celebrating I'm doing...Lunches with friends, etc...Actually, I don't need the excuse of my birthday, I can gain 10 pounds all on my own. So I've gotten a head start this year...

Fortunately for my weight gain, some of the functions I'm to attend all happen at the same time, so I can't possibly have dinner at Topeka Civic Theater, go to a church soup supper, attend a Fall party at some friends (I hated missing that one)... and I'd have to go look at my planner to remember what the other two things I missed were. I selected TCT, as I had paid out good money for a season ticket (with meals) and didn't want to miss the meal or let down my friends who had changed the date to accomodate me last time...the play was ok.

I could be a blimp, if I could just figure out how to have all the fun that's happening.

I had the opportunity to drive to Leavenworth was a beautiful day for a drive. No sun in my eyes, and the recent moisture caused the colors of the fall leaves to be outstanding.

Let's see...what should I be doing right now...well, actually, I should be doing right what I'm doing right now...Watching TV with Wendell, playing on my computer and getting a back and shoulder rub...does it get any better than this? (why do I always feel like I should be doing something I would enjoy less?) I used to put off my ironing, because I liked ironing, but since I liked doing it, I should be doing something I enjoyed less, thus, I never got to my ironing.

What I should have said is...What I should put on my "to do list"...the first thing I think of is playing my violin...that then makes me think of re-learning my sasophone. Those are not vital things to do, just my more preferred ones...more preferred than cleaning out my closets, or the utility room (my two main "stash it" places) I also need to finish the stained glass project I started last August...then we went to Colorado, and I haven't touched it since. I also need to bring in some plants...I'd better go do that before I go to bed...I'll check the weather again, but my sister told me earlier today it may freeze tonight...that might be for Lawrence and not for Topeka. OK...that was probably my subconcious nagging at me about "what should I be doing"...I'd better get at it...


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