Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birthday Weekend

It was a good weekend.

I got to sleep in on my birthday! Yeah! Now being retired, you'd think I could sleep in any day I wanted to...not the case...and it's not all the dog's fault...too often I'll make an early morning appointment so as to just get it out of the way...or I start thinking about stuff I "need" to get done and I just get up and get the day started...that doesn't necessarily mean I'll accomplish all those things I was thinking about when I was horizontal, but it quite often gets me out of bed, thinking I WILL get something done.

The best part of Saturday was the Sweet Adelines Show. Way back in August, when my friend had called me to see if I wanted to buy some tickets...and I realized it was the night before my birthday, I spontaneously decided to have my birthday party there, and told her I'd take 16 tickets. Aside from the three last minute cancellations, (with good reasons) everyone else showed up.

The best part of the whole evening was when the 1998 Queens of Harmony, put their quartet (Classic Edition) back together for the evening. That was the best birthday present I could have gotten...I was soooo upset when they broke up. They now are in three other quartets and although they're all doing very well with their new quartets...(all in the top 10 and 20 quartets in the world), I still wasn't hearing a sound like I'd heard with "Classic Edition". They said they practiced for about 5 minutes before going on, and honestly...you couldn't tell they'd ever been apart...what great voices!

OK...I realize if you're not acquainted with "Sweet Adelines" those last two paragraphs probably won't make a whole lot of sense to you...but believe me, it was a night to remember.

On Sunday morning, instead of going to an earlier service, we did the 11:00...after which, Wendell's sister and brother-in-law and nephew, Arliss and John and Perry and our friends Sandy and Walt took us out to dinner at the Longhorn Restaurant.

When we got home, I decided I needed to take a power nap before choir practice. I laid down, and almost immediately dozed off, only, to all of a sudden become wide awake, remembering I hadn't brought in some of my plants, and we were supposed to get a freeze...so jumped up, changed my clothes and hurried out to grab the plants...then before I knew it, it was time for choir practice.

Monday I worked at Republican Headquarters for a couple of hours. I came home, fixed lunch for Wendell and our cleaning lady...she usually gets here just before noon, and now knows I'll have a tasty lunch ready for her. After lunch, JoAn came over to exercise, then Bonnie dropped by for a visit...after they left, I ran an errand, then went over to Arliss' for a cup of tea.

I was ooing and aahing over the cups we were drinking out of, telling her how much my daughter-in-law would like them, and when I got ready to leave, she wrapped them up and gave them to me...I tried to not take them, but she insisted...I told her I'd probably give them to my daughter-in-law, and that was fine with her...Arliss likes to use the ones she's bought along her travels because they have good memories attached to them.

Monday evening, we had "small group" over at Sandy and Walt's. Sandy had made Weight Watcher's stew. It was great!

Today (Tuesday) I got to sleep in again! I managed to give Mollie, our 15 year old Carin Terrier, a bath. I should do it more often, as she's easy to bathe...I just have to get myself in the mood to do it...usually it's her scent that encourages me to "get er done".

This afternoon we drove out to Leatrice's to get our hair cut...she lives in the country. She's a lot of fun...tall skinny redhead with an outgoing personality...somehow that just doesn't describe her well...she's sooo much more than that.

On our way home, I decided we should stop at Dominoes and pick up a couple of sandwiches for dinner...when I got back out to the van, I opened them up...they were huge, so I called JoAn and invited ourselves over to share our sandwiches...we had them and a salad she made and ice cream for desert.

OK...now it's time to go down stairs and watch TV with Wendell and take our pills...(my pills are all vitamins and food suppliments)...that reminds me of a story, but I'll spare you tonight.

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