Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Gathering

Today I had some friends over to bring their hand work, exercise and listen to a Joyce Meyer CD.

Originally I had thought we'd meet down in the basement where the exercise equipment is, but it was such a beautiful day, who'd want to be in a dungeon??? So we spent our time on the sun porch...part of the time we even had the sliding door open, so as to be able to enjoy some of that wonderful air.

We're planning on getting together the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month...the 1st and 2nd Wednesdays, are when we cook at the church.

I started out embroidering a tea towel, but didn't like how it looked...I was using three strands of thread, but think I'll take it out and try two, or maybe even just one strand. Then I got out some of the "Peaches and Cream" yarn, and started a simple skull cap for Laurel. So I didn't really get much done, but we all enjoyed the day and each others company.

A while back, a friend of mine was talking about having a piano for sale...I asked how much, and she said $100...a Kimbell with a Lowery organ in it...said that it needed tuning, and that the organ didn't work, so I told her I'd take it...well today, I finally got it moved over here...I hired Three Men and a Truck. It was well worth the $125 I paid them so I didn't have to worry about a friend or relative hurting their back(s) trying to get it moved. So the only place I have for it is in the walk way between the living room and the dining room. Next step is to get it tuned...hope it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg.

We've decided we're not going South this winter...When I woke up the other morning in my nice warm bed, in my nice warm bedroom, in my nice warm house, I decided I can make it. I'll just have to lay in a large supply of ice melt for the drive way, and get in a stock of food when I see bad weather is on it's way.

Enough for tonight...I need to get to bed, as tomorrow is already filled up.

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