Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh my! Here it is...Already August! The kids will be going back to school in several weeks. We've already done our yearly school shopping trip to the mall.

We spent two weeks in Colorado again this year...same wonderful old two story-four bedroom log cabin by a mountain stream. This year we were there at the time of the Glen Haven Fire Department's breakfast and the Arts and Crafts Fair at the town hall. It was great...I met a fellow bead maker, and she let me come by and pick up some pointers. She's been a bead maker for 16 years, and is just as excited about it as if she just started.

We also spent a day with a friend from my high school days and his wife. They drove over Trail Ridge Road to be with us. We ate lunch at Hunters, took the gondola to the top of a nearby hill, and finished out the day setting in the shade, enjoying drinks at the local juice establishment.

My adventuress grand daughter has now arrived in Malaysia. I'm following her blog, which is her way of staying in touch with friends and family. I check each day to see if she has had time to add another post.

My grand son's wife graduated from her Air Guard basic training last weekend, and now will be starting in on her specialized training in Texas.

Actually, at this moment, I can think of no more news...I think my brain has been soften by watching too much TV news. Can you believe the goings on in Washington DC? they say, "inside the beltway". What are those people thinking of!...or are they thinking at all!

And can you believe Chelsie Clinton is 30 years old...she's been dating her guy for over half her life! Wow! I'm impressed!

And how about Arizona's governor...She, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are my heroines! They, along with my grand daughter "the adventuress".

OK...It's late...

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