Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010

Fog! Can you believe it? Of course, first came the cold that stayed for two weeks...then it warms up, and now it's FOG! I don't really remember how long ago it came, and yesterday I thought it had left...but it came back!

Well if the weather is all I have to talk about, I guess things are pretty good.

What else is going on in my life...I'm about to get back into I've picked up some new information from some relatives, and hopefully that will get me going fact...that's next on my list.

Since last writing my oldest grandson and his new wife have both joined the Air Guard...he is in Texas right now for six months, and about the time he gets back, she'll be going. Some way to spend your first year of marriage!

My third granddaughter has accepted a position with a big oil looks something like "Shellenberger" (I think) but is pronounced Slumber J. She will be in Perth, Australia.

My next oldest grandson is planning on joining the Air Force when he graduates from high school this spring.

I worked really hard and fast making beads all November and December...then it turned cold, and there's only been several days I have been able to work, due to the two heaters on the sunporch just can't quite keep it comfortable, unless, of course, if the sun is shining with no wind. There have been several days I could have worked out there, but had something previously planned, so missed making beads. Sooooo since I can't be out there, you'd think I'd have everything in the house caught up...right?...not so...

My 4th grandson introduced me to Facebook...I was quite flattered when he invited me to be his "Friend", then had a great time finding a lot of my other friends on it...then I got involved doing some virtual farming with my daughter, her four kids and my niece. It's great fun to be able to plow, plant and harvest with just a click of your mouse...and more fun to work on their farms and get "paid" for it...yet more fun to send and receive virtual gifts of cows, goats, horses, chickens, ducks, etc., and many kinds of trees and flowers...the longer I play it, the more stuff is introduced.

I need to spend more time in the real world of laundry, ironing and getting taxes ready to go to the accountant...and if I get all that caught up (like that's gonna happen) there's always the basement!

Back to the beads...I sold some, but I sold more when I made them into bracelets, necklaces and earrings! But what was even more fun was making them for my family. I gave away about 25 outfits, and really was rewarded by the excitement ...oh..I've got company...gotta go!

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