Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Night...

What is this...I can't sleep? No, I didn't have any I'm not troubled...What could it be??? So as I lay there, I remembered I didn't turn the dishwasher on...then I couldn't remember if I turned the propane to the torch off. I turned it of at the torch...but did I turn it off at the tank? OK...two excuses to go downstairs and take care of I turn on the dishwasher, and it started making this increditable noise...I checked inside, but nothing was hanging tried it again...tomorrow I'll call Sears. Then I went out and checked the propane was off, but even looking at it, I still couldn't remember turning it off...that's a little scary.

Bead making is going well. I can now make a bead with the hole in the center and dimples in each end of the hole most of the time, and have fewer "wonkie" beads all the time...and I can do all this in less time...much less time than it used to take me. (the first thousand beads were the hardest) I've gotten a good response from the bead shop. Cheri is always excited to see what I bring in on Wednesdays. I'm done with red, white and blue for a while (I think...unless I get a request). A friend suggested I should start doing beads in the school colors now...good suggestion...thanks, Donna. So this evening I did a bunch of green and white beads. The rod I used was emerald green...when they cooled, they were mint's like that...quite often you get surprised...I'm learning. I had particularly good luck with a blue aventurine glass rod yesterday...but just when I'd hit on a new design, I ran out of rod...need to order more. Guess I should try the design in another color (now why didn't I think of that when I had the torch lit?)

I had the six youngest grandkids over this week...The three boys stayed about 24 hours, but the three girls stayed an extra night (and day). Laurel, the 10 year old is particularly fastinated by bead making...she wanted very badly for me to let her make a bead...but after I explained how hot that torch was, she was happy with just designing what I would make next...then while I was making it, she'd take the cooled beads off the mandrels and clean the beadrelease out of the hole in the bead...that really helps a lot...I'd like to offer her a full time position!

OK...I'm going to try to get to sleep again...I think it may take this time.

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