Sunday, March 22, 2009


I'm not doing beads yet...there's plenty to do before I can get started. Last week I went up to my daughters house...actually her storage shed...well, both...and unearthed some of my stained glass, which has been patiently waiting for me to come find it for 20+ years. Rhonda fixed me some yummie potato soup for lunch. (Thanks, Rhonda)

A couple of days after I got the glass here, I pulled it out of the back of the truck and put it into the sunporch...then a couple of days after that, I took each by one...into the kitchen and gave them all a soapy bath, dried them off and put them in a wooden box (found at a garage sale...where else?).

Somewhere in there, I stopped by The Jewelry box, and asked if they knew of anyone in Topeka making glass beads...the lady there was very friendly and gave me the name of someone I may have seen showing her "stuff" at Women's Connection last year. I called her, and she's bringing her workshop over here Tuesday morning, and we're gonna do beads! I am soooo excited!

So this put me back into the "getting ready" mode. I've been working on getting the sunporch readied. (Ugh!) Lots of "stuff" needs to be dealt with. The souvenirs of travel, the keepsakes, the should-have-gotten-rid-of-long-ago, the magazines, the general clutter...I'm working on it...fortunately, I've had a spurt of energy the last few days...that helped...kind of like being on prednazone.

OK...break time is over...gotta get back with it.

1 comment:

DGranna said...

Glad to see you back blogging. Are you going to use your stained glass for the beads? I can relate about "stuff". A friend told me I should be "freecycling". Just give away stuff by going to a Yahoo Group for my town and post it. What to do with old magazines! I am too sentimental about saving things. - Daneille