Thursday, December 8, 2011

I don't believe it!

I just posted, and it ran the whole post into one paragraph! AARG! Unbelievable!

I hate change!

Yes, I said the "H" word...I really don't like it when I use that's so harsh. But I've been trying for months to add to my blog, and it would go into the drafts, but it wouldn't post (whine, whine...would I like a little cheese with my whine?) Finally I "updated" or whatever it is they called it, and going to, what seems to me like coming through the back door, I finally got on... But if all I do is complain...well, that's not very interesting...just had to blow off a little steam. Having said all that (now you know what a complainer I can's out of the bag) I really don't have time to post anything, as it is late, and I really do want to get some sleep tonight. Quick catch up: Wendell (husband) took a nasty fall, down a complete flight of stairs on Oct. 11. Surgery on Oct. 12, to repair a ruptured quadridecpt tendon in his right leg... In the hospital for 7 days, transfered to a care center for acute rehab... I decide there's no way he can come back here with all the stairs, and start looking for a house, find one that is handicapped accessable, one level, perfect, in most ways, and the other ways, I can either change or deal with...put a bid on the house... put our house on the market...start packing to clear out the extra bric-a-brac so someone can actually see the house, say anyone wants to look. Our offer on the house was accepted, which put me into overdrive to get this house ready to sell, and to move...everything is now fair game for packing, except the bare essencials...and a few of them got packed...but who cares. Here is where I stop to praise two of my best friends...did they stand by to see if I was going to ask for help? No! They were here in a heartbeat, initiating the packing, helping me make decisions, encourageing me to not be discouraged, listening to my frustration with all the hoops you have to jump through to buy a house, etc., etc., etc. My cousin and her husband came from out of town two days and helped, my friends grandson and son, my daughter and son-in-law, hauled away enough stuff to fill a 10' X 30' storage unit. Now we're filling the garage. Everytime I get the house to looking pretty good, it's like the walls explode, and there's filled boxes lining the walkways, waiting to be moved to the garage. I need to have a BIG Garage Sale! This is a lovely house, and I'll miss the beauty of the crown moldings, recessed ceilings, the large rooms, the four closets in our bedroom, and the three closets in the other three bedrooms...most of all, I'll miss my sunporch. I won't miss holding my breath everytime Wendell is on the steps, nor will I miss trying to get up the vertical driveway in the snow and/or ice. I won't miss trying to keep up with 15 flower beds and a four level yard. Were I younger, it would still have been a challenge, as I have too many other interests than to want to be weeding flower beds. Love the flowers. OK...I've gone on too long...I'm not going to do spell check, as I tried it and I don't think it works, as I can't type this much and not have misspelled something! So just consider misspelled words as typos.



Monday, March 21, 2011

Another day, another disaster...

I am totally amazed at everything going on in the quakes, tsunamis, radiation fall-out, hunger/starvation, a third war in the middle east. (Did I read something about this in the Bible?)

With two grandsons in the Air Force, and three other grand children already out "in the world", you know, the day to day of making a living and all the decisions they're needing to make...the rest of the grand children growing up fast and will soon be turned out into a world of turmoil and total's like being in the eye of the chaos all around, but peace within. My peace comes from God...he has it all in his hands. Food and Gas prices rising daily...I'm watching to see what God's going to do.